Earn money at home

Corona virus has shown people many such ways, through which people are now earning money sitting at home. At this time, people are earning lakhs of rupees from social sites like YouTube, Facebook. Apart from this, there are also some apps which are giving their users a chance to earn money sitting at home.
Here we are giving a list of some money earning apps, using which you can earn money sitting at home. However, you also have to keep in mind that with increasing technology, the case of online fraud has also increased. In such a situation, we advise that before using any earning app, get complete information about it.
Pocket Money
This is a mobile app, which can be downloaded from the Play Store. According to the information given on the app, users can earn up to Rs 7 thousand daily by using it. You can also avail many other facilities including paying all bills, cab ride, movie ticket book through this app.
WinZO App
Winzo is a popular mobile app. There are many different types of games to play in it, by playing which you can easily earn money sitting at home. This app can also be downloaded from the Play Store.
Rush App
After downloading this app, you can earn 50 rupees. This is a gaming app and can be downloaded from the Play Store.
This is a sports app, which gives some rewards on downloading. After this, you can easily earn money by using this reward and money.
Dream 11
Dream 11 has also become a popular earning app in today's time. Through this app you can earn lakhs of rupees without any expense.