Earn money from YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a big means of entertainment in today's time. For many people, it is also a big way to earn money (How To Earn Money). If you also like to make short videos like Tik Tok, then you have a very golden opportunity to earn money from YouTube at this time. YouTube has recently launched a $ 100 million Shorts Fund for its Shorts Video Creators. If you want, you too can earn a lot of money by making short videos on YouTube. Let's know how you can earn money by making short videos on YouTube.
YouTube is currently promoting the videos of people making short videos (YouTube Shorts Video) more. For this reason, the possibilities of earning money on YouTube and increasing their audience increase for video creators with the help of YouTube Shorts.
If you do not know about YouTube Shorts or you do not know how to start making Shorts Videos on YouTube? And how to monetize your YouTube Shorts Video or Shorts Channel? Then you do not have to worry. We will tell you the whole thing.
The main source of earning money from YouTube Shorts can be considered to be YouTube's Shorts Fund. Most people earn money from Shorts Creators only. YouTube Shorts Fund is a $100 million fund launched by YouTube for its Shorts creators, which is given to the creators based on their monthly performance. Once the necessary requirements to earn money from Shorts Fund are met on your channel, you are informed by YouTube that your channel is eligible to earn money from Shorts Fund.