You can earn money by selling old clothes

Many times expensive clothes are bought for a wedding or function. These are such clothes which are worn only once or twice, in the case of girls, once the photo of the clothes goes on social media, it becomes a bit difficult to wear that dress again. In such a situation, what should be done so that the old clothes are also sold and you do not suffer any loss? Here we will tell you about 4 such websites where you can sell your old clothes and also get a good amount of money. Some of these applications also provide you door-to-door service. In which the clothes come to pick up from your house themselves.
You can sell your old clothes and earn money from it. There are many such websites in India that take your old clothes and sell them after making them new, and also pay you for it. For this, these four apps - Meesho, Free Up, Relove and Gletot will prove beneficial for you.
You can install any of these apps in your smartphone. After installing, login with your number, after filling the correct address, you can sell your clothes. Apps like GLETOT also provide you door to door service. You can use the application after checking their service in your area.
Apart from this, if you return clothes of brands like H&M on their website or offline store, you can get a discount of up to 15 percent.
If you do not want to do all this, then search on Google by typing NGO NEAR ME. You can go to any NGO near you and give your clothes there. This may not give you money but you will definitely get happiness.
Note that the resale value of clothes is decided by the platform itself, if your clothes are suitable according to their terms and conditions, then they can give you a better amount for it.