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AI chatbots will help you improve your future!


This prototype is based on the psychological theory that by imagining a future version of oneself, one can influence current behavior and decisions.

Researchers have developed a chatbot called "Future Self" that will help people make wise life choices by interacting with their future AI version. Even though science has failed to create a time machine so far, this too can prove to be a big step towards understanding the future or improving it. The purpose of this tool is to give users an insight about their future, through which users can take their steps in advance by thinking about them in the coming time.

MIT researchers have invented a way to help people make better decisions by talking to a chatbot called "Future Self". This tool behaves like a future version of the users. According to MIT's research, the tool shares advice and knowledge from a successful life with users. According to The Guardian report, Pat Pataranutaporn, a head of the project, says that the purpose of this research is to encourage people to think about the long term and make positive changes in their behavior accordingly.

This prototype is based on the psychological theory that by imagining a future version of oneself, current behavior and decisions can be influenced. By interacting with a future version of oneself, users can reflect on their current actions and consider their long-term consequences. This method can help people make better decisions about health, career and personal relationships.

The artificial intelligence chatbot uses advanced AI algorithms to replicate future versions of users, based on the users' current lifestyle and goals. Provides personalized advice and reflection. Powered by OpenAI's GPT3.5, the chatbot interacts with users and offers insights and advice based on their input. The interactions are designed to be engaging and practical, making the experience both educational and inspiring.