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A new month is starting from tomorrow. Along with this, some new rules are coming into effect from September 1. The latest update here is also about the new rule related to TRAI. TRAI has instructed telecom companies to stop the service of such numbers which are not white listed and are being used for messages with URLs, OTT links, Android App Location Packages (APKs). The deadline of the new rule of the government regarding such numbers which are not registered with telecom companies has been extended. Earlier this new rule was coming into effect from September 1, whose deadline was 31 August. Now this new rule will come into effect after 30 September.

Apart from this, the next month will be special regarding the rules related to Aadhar card, Google Play Store and UPI transactions. Let us know which rules are coming into effect next month-

A new rule is being brought by UIDI for Aadhar card holders. From September 14, Aadhar card holders will have to pay charges to get their Aadhar card updated online. However, the facility of Aadhaar update is available offline but charges are already taken for it. Now with the new month, the online service will also become paid.